There's Not a Feast Under the Table

It’s Spring Break, and I’ve found myself struggling along this week.  On vacations, I have a tendency to take a vacation from everything, even the things that bring me life.   The daily things that bring me life:  quality time with Jesus, doing laundry, cooking, schedule (getting up really early), preparation.  Somewhere along the way, I’ve apparently decided that true vacations are vacations from all of the above.  I’ve been pretending we’re on a beach in Mexico, when we’re really in Illinois at home.  So I’ve been sleeping in...and missing my quiet times with the Lord, exercise and quietness before my family gets up.  I’ve not been cooking much...and we are eating out more, which was enjoyable the first night, but now everything tastes ick.  I’ve not exercised all week...and feel more tired.  I’ve not done laundry...and my husband did not have underwear this morning.  Yesterday we went into the city...and I didn’t prepare a backpack with all the things that make the day smoother for our family.  So my “vacation” has been dotted with fun family times, yet the small good things of life, the opportunities God gives me every day to bless my family...well, the lack of those good things has caused stress.   My lack of quietness with the Lord has left me unprepared for the day.  I’ve been snacking on The Bread of Life, crawling around for crumbs under the table, but I long for a really good feast.  
God, in His grace, gave me a gift yesterday, a kick in the pants to remind me about the One Who Dwells With Me.  Yesterday at the Museum of Science and Industry we saw an amazing IMAX movie called Hubble.  It’s about the incredible telescope, but it left me in awe.  In awe of God.  In awe of us, His creation.  He has made some people on this earth really brilliant.   The Hubble has captured images of space that give us a glimpse into the very mind of God.   He is creative.  He is beautiful.  His ways are perfect.  I was humbled.  That He would condescend to be a human on this earth, that He now takes up residence in my very human heart...after creating the endless, star-filled universe, so perfect in its nothing short of miraculous.
After the movie we moved on to the weather exhibit, which is man’s nice attempt at explaining tornados, tsunamis, rainbows, waves, etc.  A great exhibit, definitely, but there’s no comparison to the real thing.  

another imitation

people looking at imitation

my niece experiencing The Real in Lake Michigan in summertime

Cease striving and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations,I will be exalted in the earth.  The Lord of hosts is with us; The God of Jacob is our stronghold.”  Psalm 46:10-11
Father, in my striving to “have fun,” I quickly lost my way.  Thank you for the reminder that you are God.  You are with me.  You are my stronghold.  When I strike off on my own, it doesn’t go so well.  Why do I do this?  You, in your mercy, haul me back to your heart and place my eyes back on the daily feast you have prepared for me.  You are the real, the absolute.  May I not fall for anything less today.  In Jesus’ name, Amen


hh said…
Hebrews 13:20
Now the God of peace, who brought up fromn the dead the great Shepherd of the sheep through the blood of the eternal covenant, even Jesus our Lord,
21 equip you in every good thing to do His will, working in us that which is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen.

I am reminded that He is always working in us even if we don't feel like it. Seeing Him in the things around us as we go through our day is evidence that He is present and alive within! Missing our time with Him is something we don't like to do but the fact that we DO miss Him surely delights Him.
How thankful we are for His grace!!
I love you! mom

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