Almost a Teenager!

We celebrated Ethan's 12th birthday this week!  Where has the time gone?  He commented that in one more year he'll be a teenager and get the "crazies."  He said it with a mischievous grin.  Yikes.  I'd better get on my knees!
We started the morning with presents, first thing after rolling out of bed.  
Favorite thing:

William had to go to work, so the boys and I and little G went putt-putt golfing. Such a beautiful day.  A light breeze with sunshine: summertime perfection.  
Ethan loves Domo 77.  We went there last year for his birthday, and I cannot help but think about the stuff-that-was-to-come that we didn't know was coming.  But God did.  He knew everything, and every bump in the road, every hard, life-changing day was overarched with blessing.  Ethan will never forget being 11 years old.  But he is moving on to 12, that mischievous grin filled with the promise of life.

And tonight we celebrated his birthday at the Gryna's.  The kids had fun swimming, and we topped the night off with coconut cream pie.  Yum.

Happy Birthday, Ethan!!!  You are LOVED!!!

Thank you, Jesus, for my awesome son.  He is such a gift to us.  May you bless his year with a tender heart towards You, his Firm Foundation for the years to come.  Lead him by your truth and teach him, for you are the God who saves him.  All day long, may he put his hope in you (Psalm 25:5) In Your Name, Amen


Carolyn said…
Great pictures, and what an incredible "near teenager" you have! So thankful for him! Did you know when he came by last week, the first thing he told me was how sorry he was about Poppy... that really touched me. It was so thoughtful of him! He is becoming a strong man of God, and I am blessed to have prayed for our children together with you off and on through these years. I will continue! Thanking the Lord for E. and the marvelous gifts He has given him. He is so special and W. is thankful to call him friend!
hh said…
Wish we could have been there but Ethan is in our prayers daily!

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