Yet Another Court Date

We did not pass again.  MOWA letter needs to be revised to reflect that our daughter's birth mom was present and signed paperwork.  They had not been able to find her last time, but this time she traveled to Addis and appeared in court today.  I feel for her.  So we wait for the infamous MOWA letter.  Next date:  April 27th.  I know this too shall pass, but I was confident that we would pass today.  I am disappointed.  Yet, the Lord is faithful.  He sees the WHOLE picture.  I can only see a tiny slice.  

Lord, thank you for continuing to care for our little baby.  She's six months old now.  I would love to have her in my arms when she's 7 months.  I loved that age with the boys.  You know my prayer about all the paperwork, etc.  Ditto that prayer.  We wait expectantly for victory this week.  Thank you for your continued favor.  In Jesus' name, Amen


sasha parker said…
I am so sorry Carrissa. I will pray that you will get to see your sweet daughter BEFORE her 8th month. Praying for you.
Deb said…
AARUGH! I'm so bummed! I will continue to pray and I'm glad the new date is a short one, again.
Carolyn said…
Oh, Carissa, I am so sorry! I will continue to pray. Your trust in God's perfect timing is so beautiful to see... wonder why He is allowing this wait/continuance? He knows the big picture; you are right. I'll pray for the 27th. April 27th is my favorite day of each year. It's the day I really surrendered to the Lord in 2005. Often that day each year brings a special blessing. One year on that day, I met Beth Moore, etc. So my prayer for my 4/27/10 special moment this year is that you will be able to pass the court date and bring your baby HOME in her 7th month. Please, Lord, grant Carissa this desire of her heart as she trusts in you, and please bless and protect sweet Helen during this wait. Carry her and guard her, let Your presence be ever near her, protecting her. Bring her safely and quickly into her lovely forever family, and give this sweet family Your perfect peace even this night!
Deb said…
Tomorrow is the day. Praying praying. God, give us the big PASS and allow Carissa to go get her girl in May!!!
Carolyn said…
PRAYING about tomorrow and looking forward to see what God has in store!

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