Color Inspiration
House Beautiful. They have a great series on color. I’m inspired.
I love terra-cotta-ish colors. BM Sienna Clay will be going on the basement walls in a week or two. BM Starfish covers my hallways. Imagine my dismay as I read the following quote, because I really can’t go to Roussillon anytime soon to get *the* pigment:
"Terra-cotta. You see it in nature and in bricks, but getting it in paint is nearly impossible. It looks too flat or too orange. You never capture the depth and warmth properly. The only way I know to get the right color is go to Roussillon, France. It's an amazing little medieval village in Languedoc, and the entire town is painted with this natural pigment that they mine out of the ground. They use it as a wash on stone, where it seeps in, and the colors range from this really rich yellow to this vibrant terra-cotta and every shade in between. It's a vision. You can buy the dry pigment and throw it into a paint recipe." —ANNIE SELKE
Sounds like a fascinating and beautiful place. Maybe one day. In the meantime, color inspiration for the baby’s room and my sewing nook:
Hope we can chat this week!!!!