Out of Africa

Our bags are packed.  The boys are packed.  The house is in order somewhat.  Gia's room is ready.  It's been an emotional road with several twists and turns.  Yet God is faithful and true.  The time has finally come to bring our daughter home.  My friend Katie dropped a gift off yesterday, two books.   One of them is Out of Africa by Isak Dinesen.  The inscription reads: 
Dear Gia, May the beauty of Africa always be within you.  And may our sweet Savior be your delight.  With love, Miss Katie
I've never read the book and remember little about the movie.  I think of the movie and think beautiful.
I would have never guessed that I would be so entwined with Africa in the years to come.  True, it's only in the last year that Africa has been on my heart and mind almost every day, whether it be through my daughter or Re:new or reading the poignant words of Katie in Uganda, or pondering the words of Scripture.  And our sweet Savior's heart loves the people of Africa, loves my daughter, and He will indeed be the delight of Gia's heart.  This is only the very beginning of her journey, and her journey will forever be melded with this nation halfway across the world.  
So as we take her out of her birth country, I am both happy and sad.  Sad for the loss of her not growing up where she was born and all the wonderful things that accompany a person's birthplace...the land, the language, the culture, her birth family.  Yet I'm exceedingly happy and overjoyed that God had a different plan for her, a plan for her to be a part of our family, our nation, our culture.  Only God knows the overall design for her life, and He chose us to be her mom and dad.  Amazing.  We are blessed.  As we travel, I look forward to God opening my eyes further and seeing what He wants me to see.   What does He want me to see?  What does He want me to understand?  Only in a brief week (as my sweet friend who just came back from Uganda knows!) He can accomplish much in our hearts.
We ask for you to pray for our trip, that God would accomplish what He desires in our hearts.  We pray for safe travels and health for all of us.  We pray for favor at the Embassy on Wednesday as we answer questions.  We pray for safety for the boys and protection over their bodies, hearts and minds when we are gone.   We pray for a sweet time with the kids at the orphanage.   And for those first moments with Gia, those first couple of days and that flight home, that her precious heart will receive our love and trust us, knowing we are mommy and daddy...forever.
While we're away, I will try to e-mail updates, and my friend Aimee (who was supposed to join us on this trip, but is instead going in a couple weeks) will be blogging for me!   Thank you for praying!!!


Weaver said…

We are with you in prayer and excited for your journey to Africa. We know that it is blessed and we also know the Lord is your comfort and protection. We have begun this journey together and we look forward to celebrating our girls arrival!!!
We love you all.
hh said…
We will be praying all the way!
God planted this journey in your hearts and has and will continue to provide everything needed for each step of the way. The boys are under His care and I know in good hands also. God takes care of it all!

love mom
Unknown said…
Gods blessings to all of you! We are so excited. We will continue to pray for everything to go smoothly.

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